January 02, 2014

January Giveaway: From The Wood-Fired Oven

Happy New Year dear ones! This month, I've got a special treat for you to start off this year with a bang. Are you ready to cook with fire?

One of my resolutions for 2014 involves several challenges, the ultimate end goal being to produce one truly kick-ass loaf of wood-fired sourdough bread. Well. Hopefully more than one. But I would be quite content with a single life-changing loaf. The kind with a golden crunchy crust, a moist and chewy crumb with those marvellous bubbles of air that butter so delightfully melts and seeps into. So far, I've managed several bricks. Tasty, somewhat handsome, probably very nutritious little bricks, mind you, but bricks nonetheless. I am still in the early stages of experimenting with sourdough in my kitchen oven and I have my work cut out for me.

One of the key components to achieving my resolution will be to build my own wood-fired oven. Something I learned how to do at this year's Kneading Conference, but have yet to execute. Then, it would be rather nice to learn how to use that oven properly. I know that will come with time, patience, and practice. But there's something else that is going to be indispensable in this adventure with fire. It's The Bible. The wood-fired baker's bible that is. Richard Miscovich's From The Wood-Fired Oven.

This book is an epic oeuvre. Or as a friend who was leafing through the book exclaimed, "this book is hard-core!" Indeed. It's the kind of book that I know will inevitably become tattered and worn (the highest praise that can ever be showered on a book) from a lifetime of consulting it. It really is the ultimate reference for anyone interested in learning how to cook with a wood-fired oven. 

Photo of the author by JonathanBeller.Com

And while I know this book will help me achieve the wood-fired sourdough loaf of my dreams, let's be clear, we're not only talking about bread here. You see, Richard Miscovich is a genius, and he shows us how to use a wood-fired oven to its fullest potential. That is to say, aside from outstanding pizzas and breads (which are certainly not overlooked), the book opens up a whole world of mouth-watering concoctions that (who would have ever known) can be prepared in a wood-fired oven. Everything from braised vegetables to baked beans to beef jerky to dried herbs and infused oils. The secret is in learning how to use of the oven's whole range of temperatures from its peak heat to its slow cool-down. If you love cooking with fire, or have ever been curious about it, you must own this book, no way around it.

Photo by Richard Miscovich

So for all you wood-firing lovers, be sure to enter this month's giveaway which is kindly sponsored by the amazing folks at Chelsea Green Publishing. (Only residents of the United States are eligible for this one). Bonne chance!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. This year's resolution for me is learn to make a good loaf of sourdough bread, and take that and make it a routine. If I won this cookbook, maybe next year's resolution could be build a woodfired oven! Good luck with your baking. I'm excited to read more about your sourdough adventures. I'm hoping for some fun baking sessions with my neighbour who is good at sourdough and cob baking.

  2. My mom is totally into making her own wood-fired oven. She would be totally into this book!

  3. This is exactly what I have been wanting to do since I moved into the country. Pizza and bread mainly, but would be fun to see what else I could cook in the oven. Pennie D. pbjdisselbrett@live.com

  4. I love high heat cooking - and rustic recipes are always so fun to create. Great giveaway!

  5. I am a huge fan of breads and baked goods. This giveaway basically sums up my life and the reason I could never go carb-free.


  6. Hi,

    This is such a nice blog and It is really helpful for me, But i am looking for the kitchen cabinets related post,So please suggest and share if you have.


  7. I've been wanting a wood fired oven for some time now, and am contemplating building one this summer. I already make my own bread & pizza, but a wood oven would raise it to the next level!

  8. I would love to get this for my mom!

  9. Those roasted tomatoes have got my mouth salivating for pan tomate. Last year I started growing my own tomatoes and herbs and baking my own bread. I just love the feeling of making something with my own two hands, but probably not as much as just making good food for other people. (And maybe shamelessly basking in the praise that comes afterwards. Except the part where my mom makes me pay for her gym membership.)

  10. I've been experimenting with sour doughs and alternative grains. The plan is to attend this years kneading conference. Woodfired cooking is already a part of our repertoire using a Green Egg cooker/grill but a dedicated Woodfired oven is in the plan.

  11. I have an aspiration to have a wood fired oven as well as a desire to have the cook book mentioned above. Ths appears to my fist visit to be a site I will enjoy numerous times o review new ideas and explore my way through learning to improve my skills in cooking with wood firebeyond the awesome ribs and briskert now create!

  12. Love, love, love the blog! So excited to try out some of the new recipes!

  13. My husband and I have been planning to build a wood fired oven. I'm really excited about it, and so is he, but, he's kind of slacking. I'm hoping this will light a fire under him to get him to start with me!

  14. I am interested in including a wood fire oven in the new house we are building. This is would be an awesome start for that. I want to be come less dependent on society, including utilities (gas or electric for an oven). If I don't win, will be adding this book to my wish list.

  15. We're building our oven this year! I met Richard at the 2008 Kneading Conference in Skowhegan. Great blog by the way!

  16. This book looks wonderful, my parents have a wood stove and my dad loves baking potatoes in it, this book would inspire them to cook more with their stove.

  17. I took a class and helped build an outdoor oven. I would love to have a book now to know how to bake great things in it.

  18. I'm a great cook and would love this! I love fire roasted anything, so does my family.

  19. This would be a great addition to our collection!

  20. Love your blog! Thanks for a great giveaway!

  21. One can NEVER have too many bread books! Hoping to build an outside wood fire oven this summer.

  22. It would be fantastic to have an outside wood fire oven. I would love to have this book in my cookbook collection!

  23. I have been looking up scads of online DIY wood-fired oven tutorials lately and then Chelsea Green posted about this blog post. This book would be PERFECT to end my research since I don't have the internet at home!

  24. a perfect guide for wood fired cooking and baking

  25. So many things I want to be able to learn how to do in 2014 but baking the perfect loaf of wood-fired bread is top on the list!

  26. i've been cooking with wood for over 45 years and have wanted to build a wood fired oven for some time. This book sounds like it would inspire me to take the next step. Five years ago I watched a brick oven being constructed in a building that I manage and it made me think that it was possible to build my own.

  27. I'm fascinated with different types of cooking

  28. This is great, just what I need. Thanks for the opportunity to win this.

  29. I would love this book! I love bread!

  30. i love sour dough bread with blue cheese. i hope you are successful in making the perfect wood fired loaf.

  31. i made a fresh pineapple upside down cake as my first attempt at using a wood-fired kitchen stove. it came out heavenly...and it was also my birthday cake. nothing like learning something new the day you turn 61.

  32. So rustic -- I think the book looks very intriguing! My Twin daughters (14 years old) and I cheer every time we see a new video post. Thank you for sending out such beauty

  33. I love your video blogs. I just made your sweet non-GMO corn chowder, and wanted to tell you it was delicious (minus bacon and cream *vegetarian *). I saw the wood-fired cookbook giveaway, and I love roasted vegetables. This cookbook would be wonderful to have. Cheers!

  34. Check out Miller's Guild in Seattle of Jason Wilson.
    It's a new restaurant that is based entirely around an AMAZING wood fired grilled.

  35. I love the way you take photos of the food. I would love to make this. So lovely really!!

  36. I am definitely going to look for the book on Cooking with Fire. Sounds great!!! Keep up the good work.

  37. I've been cooking peppers and onions in the skillet on the grill a lot lately. I'll have to add jalapenos next time. Yum. I like cooking bacon that way too, although hot fat + open flame adds a nice element of danger. I used to get flank steak, but my husband got me to try the carne asada cut from our local market, and I prefer it. Not sure if it's thin-cut flank or skirt (I'll have to ask), but it looks like this 
